im assuming you all loved my first vinylmation but here it is. My second vinylmation. I prepped two vinyl toys because I knew and here is the other random one I stripped paint off of. This was my next victim. :D
creepy when they're not completely done huh? Ahhh no pupils!!! So I stuck her head onto the body just to see if how it looks. OOOOO getting excited again. It's turning out awesome and it's looking much better than my first attempt.
Then i found out that there was a new vinylmation mold. Disney released these vinylmations in summer and I didn't know about them. I'm assuming they are going to use this "minnie mold" and make the princesses with them. But i had to take this opportunity to grab some of these and make my fiance with the minnie body instead. So here is the one that I got and a photo of it with the paint stripped off. Sucks that it's not transparent but whatever I'm going to paint over it anyway.
Here's the final product. Cute Huh?
Also added the 5 point turnaround
Stay tuned for a professional photo session of these two at disneyland HAHAHA